Another Method to Turn A Friend Into A Lover

It?s Tricky, But It Works

Turning a friendship into a relationship is tricky. One wrong move and you might risk losing her as a friend. It?s an extremely fragile situation and you?ve got to get it right the first time around.

One way is to capitalize on a concept called ?Social Proof? as it?s a very powerful psychological trigger that can really influence the way people act. Social Proof is all about human nature and CONDITIONING.

As humans we do things based on what other humans do. We are more likely to make a decision or take an action when we have seen PROOF that someone else has also made the same decision. The choice becomes that much easier when we realize people ?just like us? (similar demographics) have made the exact same choices too.

It?s like I?m walking to a football game to go to my seat and 40,000 people in front of me are lined up going through the gates waiting to enter the stadium. Instead of analyzing where to go, I?ll just follow along with the crowd. It?s sort of like monkey see, monkey do. We are very, VERY much influenced by people around us, especially if we feel people around us are similar to us.

And that?s the underlying concept behind social proof.

Same applies here. If you want her to see you differently as sexual man, rather than just as someone who?s platonic, social proof is a powerful concept because, if we can subtly ?demonstrate? to women that other women, just like them, are attracted to us, are interested in us, enjoy hanging out with us or they simply want us, they are more likely to make the same decision.

Women feel attraction toward men in the company of other women! The fact is that women are VERY competitive creatures. Especially when it comes to men.

The good news is that if you know how to take advantage of this, and BRING OUT that sense of COMPETITION in a woman, you will be able to make a woman feel STRONG feelings of attracting for you VERY quickly and get her to be your girlfriend. And social proofing is one of the most powerful ways to bring out her ?catty? side AND to increase your sexual value to her as a man.

The bottom line is that this stuff is POWERFUL, it triggers ATTRACTION, and it communicates to a woman?that you GET IT, and it helps you to reach inside and?touch a woman in a way she?s always wanted, and in a?way that she responds to powerfully.?I feel it?s time that we as men started learning more about how women work, what they respond to, and how to TRIGGER those powerful feelings of ATTRACTION in?the woman that YOU desire.

I?m so convinced that this program is the BEST of its kind out there (actually, it?s the ONLY of its kind)?and I?m so convinced that it WILL help you GET HER (whether it be a friend or someone you?ve just recently met), that I?will send it to you to try AT MY RISK.

You can watch all the videos RIGHT NOW and get the?details here:

Download and watch these videos for more techniques on how to get a woman to CHANGE HER MIND and see you as a?SEXUAL BEING and not ?just a friend?


Simple Trick Tells You if a Girl Wants You to Kiss Her

Do girls leave you confused as to whether or not they like you?

Let's face it. Girl's don't make it easy for you. She will often send mixed signals leaving you unable to tell if she is being friendly or flirty. If you read her signals wrong you risk rejection and embarrassment. Or worse, you blow it with a girl who wanted to kiss you.

Here is a simple and innocent move that will instantly tell you if you're in the friend zone, or if she's waiting for you to kiss her.

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About Simon Heong Simon Heong is widely regarded as one of the most respected Asian Dating Consultant & Publisher. His specialty is turning a friend into a lover. To get instant FREE access to his no BS, cutting edge strategies & techniques for success with women, just go over and sign up for his free newsletters at

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